Corporate Governance starts with Good Governance
“Good Corporate Governance” receives ample attention and implementation within Beaumont Capital and is supported, among other initiatives, by the engagement of the Advisory Council – a committed professional sparring partner.
Member of the Advisory Council
Beaumont Capital N.V. holds a licence for operating as investment firm in compliance with the Financial Supervision Act (WFT) and is recorded in the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) and De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). Beaumont Capital N.V. is registered with the Dutch Securities Institute (DSI) and is affiliated with the Dutch Financial Services Complaints Authority (Kifid).
Beaumont Capital manages the risks relevant to its continuity. The identifiable risks include the risks associated with the market, financial position, liquidity, suppliers and customers, operational processes (including IT), reputation and liabilities. The control measures are described and recorded in procedures (AO / IC). The establishment and compliance of these procedures is monitored internally and externally, by the statutory supervisory authorities, among others. Beaumont Capital avoids risky activities. It focuses its services exclusively on asset management. Since its inception, it has met the capital requirements set by DNB and also has an excellent liquidity position which guarantees that it will always be able to meet its payment obligations. The Company’s Annual Accounts are accompanied by an audit statement from an independent external chartered accountant on completion. The half-year figures are always accompanied by an auditor’s report from the same accountant.
Beaumont Capital NV is registered in the Trade Register under number 66860326.
Beaumont Capital NV is licensed as an investment firm and has established a controlled remuneration policy. This remuneration policy complies with the statutory provisions of the Financial Undertakings Remuneration Policy Act (Wbfo) as set out in Articles 1:111 to 1:127 of the Financial Supervision Act (Wft). The controlled remuneration policy applies to the statutory management and employees of Beaumont Capital.
Principles of remuneration policy
Beaumont Capital’s remuneration policy is aimed at attracting and retaining expert and honest professionals who can fulfil the long-term objectives of both Beaumont Capital and its clients. In addition, the remuneration policy does not encourage taking excessive risks, including sustainability risks. The remuneration policy is primarily aimed at putting the interests of the client first; incentives that could lead to this not being put first are avoided and countered where possible.
Remuneration policy
Based on the above principles, market-conform remuneration has been chosen. The remuneration consists solely of a fixed salary component. If employees perform well, they may be able to expect an annual increase (indexation) of the fixed salary component.
The implementation of the remuneration policy was preceded by an inventory. The essence of this was to identify possible remuneration incentives that could be detrimental to the long-term goals of the client and those of Beaumont Capital. This is achieved by excluding variable remuneration.
Evaluation of the remuneration policy
The Board of Directors is responsible for implementing the remuneration policy. Beaumont Capital evaluates its remuneration policy annually. Any adjustments to this policy will be made after consultation with the Compliance Officer.
Mandatory reporting
In accordance with Article 1:120 Wft, investment firms are required to report the following two key figures on this website annually: • The number of persons with a total remuneration (fixed + variable) of € 1 million or more for the remuneration year 2023 is 0 (2022: 0). • The total variable remuneration at Beaumont for the remuneration year 2023 is 0 (2022: 0).
Beaumont Capital strives toward satisfied clients. Are you dissatisfied with our services? Let us know and we will search for a suitable solution.
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Click here to view the Investment Policy Consumer Letter.