
Your investment style

Balance and teamwork

Portfolio management is a complex balancing act for specialised teams. Your capital is invested in diverse investment categories such as shares, corporate bonds, government bonds, real estate, commodities  and money market instruments. An informed allocation between the categories ensures a risk-return profile well-suited to your situation. With structured interpretation of developments in sectors, regions, organisations and financial markets, our investment committee sets guidelines for the investment policy. These guidelines are adopted into your portfolio. You are not dependent on the vision of any single advisor or manager. Balance is teamwork at Beaumont Capital.

Evolution “Sustainability” within Beaumont Capital

‘Sustainability’, ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) or Sustainability (terms with a similar meaning) has taken off as a theme over the past 15 years and has now been embraced by investors worldwide. The reason is that it is also becoming increasingly clear that sustainable investment does not have to be at the expense of returns and can serve more than just economic interests, namely social and ethical interests. As a number of risks are reduced, the risk profile improves as such.

Integrating sustainability risks


Exclusions policy


Explanation of the most important adverse effects on sustainability factors


Portfolio management is a complex balancing act for specialised teams. At Beaumont Capital, we find the balance between our expertise and your wishes.

Postal address
Postbus 21
3600 AA Maarssen
Visiting address
Vreeden Hoev
Straatweg 33 Maarssen
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